Making property
maintenance easy

Reliable tradespeople. Simple booking. Transparent communication.

Rated Excellent

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Services we offer

How can we

Heating & gas image
Heating & gas icon

Heating & gas

Installation and repair of all heating systems, gas safety checks and boiler servicing.

Appliance repair image
Appliance repair icon

Appliance repair

Washing machines, dishwashers, electric ovens, dryers, fridges and more.

Plumbing image
Plumbing icon


Repairing cold water issues with leaks, taps, sinks, baths, showers, and toilets.

Electrical image
Electrical icon


Repairs and fault finding for electrical issues such as fuse boxes, lighting, sockets, and wiring.

Landlord certificates image
Landlord certificates icon

Landlord certificates

Gas Safety Certificate, EICR, PAT test, and Energy Performance Certificates.

Drainage image
Drainage icon


Clearing blockages to internal or external drains and pipework.

Handyman image
Handyman icon


Odd jobs, furniture assembly, making small general repairs inside the home.

Why choose us?


Completed jobs


Multiple service lines


Tradespeople you can trust

Our Reviews



Very friendly and professional.

The communication is fantastic and the engineers are all very friendly and professional. Super recommended!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact you?

Our team is always happy to help via email, or phone 0333 335 5172. Our office hours are 8am - 10pm Monday to Friday and 9am - 6pm on weekends and bank holidays.

Which areas do you cover?

At the moment, we cover London, Brighton and Edinburgh. We’ll have some exciting news about new cities soon!

I’m a tradesperson. How can I join?

Drop us an email to and the Qeeper team will be in touch. We are a friendly bunch with high standards and are always keen to welcome onboard skilled and reliable people who share our ethos and values.